
Second Parent Workshop

Our K-2 Instructional Lead Teacher, Ms. Morino, hosts quarterly Parent Workshops during the school year to provide parents with valuable information. Our first Parent Workshop focused on the Emotional/ Social needs of our young scholars. During our second workshop, Ms. Morino provided parents with significant information about testing expectations and our Professional School Counselor Mrs. Green provided parents with different strategies on how to help our young scholars manage testing anxiety.Parents were provided information about Common Core State Standards by going in detail to explain what Common Core is in addition to providing parents ELA Common Core Standards for grades K-5. Parents also received information about various assessments such as the Kindergarten Readiness Assessment (KRA), Development Reading Assessment (DRA), PARCC Assessments and many more. Parents left the workshop feeling enlightened and determined to  academically help take our scholars to the next level. Looking forward to another great attendance during the next and final Parent Workshop!